With PHP 7.2 recently released and PHP 5.3 and 5.4 still accounting for over 40% of all production environments, it's time to paint a clear picture on not just why everyone should move to 7.0 (or 7.1), but on how to get code ready for the latest version of PHP. In this talk, we'll look at some handy tools and techniques to ease the migration.
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Lee Martin at 11:27 on 15 Feb 2018

A concise, quick look back on the differences between 5 and 7, very informative

An interesting look at PHP 7 differences - I had hoped for more context about migrating, from the description

Kat Zien at 00:02 on 16 Feb 2018

A well-prepared talk with a nicely organised overview of the changes brought in PHP 7. The speaker was calm and spoke clearly, the pace was good. I found the short demonstration of using phpcs with PhpCompatibility very useful - never heard of that option before, so thanks for that Wim! :)

Wim did a great job presenting on upgrading to PHP 7 and on PHPCompatibility. His talk was smooth, the topics covered were applicable, and the examples were helpful. I enjoyed the live demo. The blend of why to upgrade to PHP 7 coupled with how was an interesting perspective and added good value to the talk.

Oliver Davies at 12:40 on 18 Feb 2018

I look forward to trying out PHPCompatibility on some of my Drupal 7 modules.

Ed Crompton at 11:19 on 27 Feb 2018

Very useful for helping me plan a much needed upgrade from 5.6.