Adaptive Delivery - The other responsive


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Gave a good overview on responsive versus adaptive sites. Might benefit from a bit more discussion on how Gannett decided to go the adaptive route. What metrics did they use to determine an adaptive site would be most beneficial for their audience?

Mihail Irintchev at 16:27 on 21 May 2014

Pretty good overview and comparison of different approaches to having a responsive site and/or app with tips on smart reusage of code. It would help if it were given a longer time slot.

Good overview; it would have been good to see some examples of the WURFL data or some code samples of the two.

Anonymous at 15:25 on 23 May 2014

Good overview of adaptive delivery vs. responsive design. Too bad there wasn't enough time to go more in depth.

I enjoyed the talk. I think it would benefit from a longer time slot.