How our biases are reflected in the software we build— with practical examples— and how to combat them.


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Srdjan Vucic at 12:11 on 5 Oct 2018

Mic issues, not good speaker. Haven't buy hearers. Didn't have questions at the end.

Barely understood what the talker spoke about. She didn't let us ask questions also.

Interesting topic, but in my opinion very bad presentation. Uninteresting, too sterile, monotonous... I do not recommend it!

Ivan Čurić at 10:13 on 7 Oct 2018

Not a good speaker, or a good talk. While a very hot topic that can be approached from multiple angles, the talk was missing any direction.

Ante Tomić at 18:28 on 7 Oct 2018

I agree with others, no questions at the end was weird and this talk felt like it had no direction. This topic could've been useful if presented good, but it wasn't at the end. :/

This talk had real potential, but there were problems with the mic (speaker could have checked if she was breathing into the mic). This made talk hard to follow which is a shame. I wish to hear this talk in a better environment.

Davor Tomic at 07:22 on 10 Oct 2018

The speaker raised many good points and gave good examples. Sadly, the mic issues made it harder to follow and the talk could use some more focus, which would result in one or few key takeaways.