Integrating Bounded Contexts


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Scato Eggen at 16:27 on 24 Jun 2016

Good tips. The title didn't match the talk, imho. A better title could be "enterprise application integration with domain events".

Jeroen v.d. Gulik at 18:13 on 24 Jun 2016

I'm confused what this had to do with Bounded Contexts. Was a good talk but should have had a different name. Something with Domain Events. Also code examples were quite hard to read from the back

I missed the point of this talk. I would have liked to see more about actual DDD. How you implement a traditional design in DDD? A minor gripe is that for every code sample you mentioned that it is 'simple', ok, now show me a not so simple example.
Also you mentioned some unresolved problems such as transactionality when storing messages to multiple systems (MySQL & ElasticSearch)

Tom Lether at 21:24 on 24 Jun 2016

Good talk, interesting subject, though I came in expecting something rather different. Maybe a different name would've been better. I wasn't disappointed though.

Ron Rademaker at 22:52 on 24 Jun 2016

Very interesting approach to getting an existing application into the event sourcing and cqrs world. One tip for the speaker, don't refer to your examples as silly all the time, they're meant to clarify things, not to be overly complex.

I enjoyed this talk, Carlos has a good stage presence and a nice way to guide listeners through a solution.

Although I do agree that the title does not match the content, and that would be a point of improvement.

With this title I expected a somewhat different talk

Reinier Kip at 13:42 on 27 Jun 2016

As other have said: the title doesn't match the content. Also, it didn't feel right having all topics presented as "tips". Lastly, please speak slower, you talk as fast as you probably do in Spanish! Room improvement, but I enjoyed myself nonetheless.

The talk was more about domain event examples and practical tips. I missed the broader perspective and overall point. A knowledgeable speaker, but speaking (spanish-)english that fast made it difficult to follow sometimes.

As others have said the title of the talk didn't fit with the content.
Also, what the speaker described is one way of doing things (for example one could also use upstart instead of supervisord) and it would be nice if they were presented as such. You presented a nice recipe, but not all tools may be applicable to all use cases.