The Future of PHP is in the Clouds


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Fantastic keynote, makes me hopeful about the future of PHP and IT
. Hopefully one day we will use the same best practices and tools (version control) for IT as we do (should) in development.

A great trip down memory lane. I'd all but forgotten about PHP 3!

Really good, but far too short.

Anonymous at 12:37 on 22 Feb 2014

Great talk. Would have enjoyed listen for longer.

Great talk. Was expecting a marketing pitch and I couldn't have been more wrong. Only downside was the length. Would have liked to hear more.

Anonymous at 15:40 on 22 Feb 2014

Good keynote but very short!

Anonymous at 20:22 on 22 Feb 2014

Great talk but I was a bit dissatisfied that only very little was said about the future and most was about the past and present.

As with Glen's talk the previous day, the content was great and was delivered brilliantly. Unfortunately, there just wasn't very much of it. It feels harsh to mark it down when there was nothing wrong with what was there, but the talk lasted for less than half of its allocated time.

Very enjoyable and fun talk and a great way to start day. I loved the entertaining, nostalgic bits about PHP 3 dev and mistakes in the past but did feel it was a bit short and could have paid a bit more attention to the future (as the title suggested it would).

Overall it eased me into the day perfectly.

Very entertaining talk, and pitched just right to open the second day of the conference in an energetic way.

Not exactly clear what was the intended message. It was funny and interesting as a morning intro (yet the 1 hour coffee break right afterwards made me seriously regret getting up early enough for it)