Optimizing MySQL Essentials


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This was a good talk. It moved pretty quickly through lots of stuff, but in general the information was applicable to most applications. I would have liked more details on some of the ways hardware can be optimized for MySQL, but that may have been too detailed or specific for a general audience.

I would recommend this talk to others looking to speed up MySQL.

Good talk, moved at a quick pace (not because Lig talked too fast) and covered a lot ground. There probably could have been a whole tutorial session on server configurations and another session on just query optimizations.

LOTS of information at a rapid pace. There's just so much to cover with this topic. I think the choices she made about what to cover/ignore were good ones, but I think we could have used a bit more info on specific query optimizations. Understand that was a limit of the data that she had available at the time, but might have chosen a different example for that reason.