Have you ever wanted to develop a game? Are you already developing games? Join Travis in a discussion about a JavaScript game development group he is a part of via his company. Travis will be talking about the their experiences doing one-day game jams using phaser.io as their game engine / framework / thing. Travis will also be walking through some code examples using phaser.io along with providing some useful tips on game development in phaser.io. Come join in on the fun and obtain some useful ideas and tools to make your own games! [108]

Presentation Slides Repo: https://github.com/gaudeon/games-jams-and-phasers-presentation


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Travis Chase (Speaker) at 14:22 on 12 Jul 2017

Hey folks, thanks again for attending. I had a blast sharing this information with you all. Here is a like to the presentation as promised!


Good talk on programming games. I'm excited to look at phaser.io and see what I can do with it.

As a side note, you should be able to add your slide link to the talk itself. It's odd that you were able to rate your own talk.

I really enjoyed his comments about game jams and what did and didn't work for his team. I also enjoyed the high-level overview of the Phaser API. Also, super cool slide deck!

I would have appreciated it if he had spent a bit more time showing the code for the example, it was a little difficult to see what was going on.

Travis Chase (Speaker) at 10:05 on 14 Jul 2017

@David S. Thanks! yeah I didn't have approval on my claimed talk yet so it forced me to rate. I decided an average rating was my safest choice. Link to presentation is now in the description :)

Travis Chase (Speaker) at 10:09 on 14 Jul 2017

@Kincaid S. Thanks for attending and for the input! I agree I think I would have liked to spend more time on further detail on Phaser.js.

An on the topic... I would like to add something I didn't stress in the talk during the code walk through. Phaser.Group is your friend! Grouping sprites allows you to manage them as a group with certain characteristics such as relative positioning on the screen. Or, with arcade physics, collision testing on the group versus iterating over each individual sprite to check collisions! That is a big win for lazy programmers like myself :)