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Interesting talk about the tool stack used by GuJ to improve their performance and to keeo the required hardware at a minimum. Even when I already know the presented technologies, this talk was appealing and funny, thanks to both speakers.

A nice overview about static VS. dynamic delivery, browser caching, reverse proxying and CDN.

Sehr sympathische und offene Präsentation verschiedener Techniken - auch trotz der kurzen Zeit wurden wesentliche Features und Techniken zur Lastverteilung besprochen, inklusive persönlicher Bewertung und klar erkennbarer Struktur. So stelle ich mir einen informativen und unterhaltsamen Talk vor.

Anonymous at 19:46 on 22 Aug 2011

Great talk: clear message, clear story through the entire presentation and lots of interesting topics touched. The speakers always linked tools and software changes with real-world results - really enjoyed the talk.

Interesting presentation. I knew all the used technologies and I've seen everything "coming" but i still enjoyed every single bit of it.

The slide deck was pretty, informative, consistent and telling a nice story all by its self.

The presentation was fluent, a nice back and forth with "thrown in comments" and a good dynamic. I'd suggest to get two mics if possible but I'm sure you know that too and it just wasn't for froscon :) The room was packed and you still managed to share that one mic quite nicely.

It was refreshing to hear a "real world" summary of technologies used and which compromises were made. I'd really appreciate to have at least a couple of such "reality check" talks at each conference. I dig the pair presentation style, too.