Writing object-oriented code can be a challenge. Which rules do you follow, and when? Come learn about ten rules that will make your object-oriented code better, more beautiful, and easier to maintain in this talk.


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Doug Steinberg at 12:53 on 8 Feb 2019

Great info! It could use a few more light moments, but the 10 commandments analogy was very nice.

Dana Luther at 13:18 on 8 Feb 2019

Great information for both beginners and veterans.

Shane jessop at 10:07 on 9 Feb 2019

Great fundamental content delivered in a humble unassuming manner. Thanks Brandon

John Ashton at 15:12 on 9 Feb 2019

Great talk. Can you please provide the slides?

Ravi Gehlot at 11:41 on 10 Feb 2019

I had attended Brandon's tutorial. I attended this session as a way for me to go over what Brandon had already gone over on the tutorial day. It was great because it helped me solidify that info into my memory. Thanks!

This is a complex and challenging topic to present, especially within a 1 hour period. Brandon was the right subject matter expert to call on to deliver the talk, especially since he's written an entire book on the subject and trains developers to implement OOP in PHP. This talk was a shortened version of the 3-hour tutorial that he delivered a day earlier. As someone new to OOP and PHP in general, I appreciated the clear and in depth explanations that Brandon provided on the SOLID principles and their relationship to OOP. I look forward to purchasing Brandon's book and listening to the talk again to deepen my understanding of his presentation. [ I use an audio recording app in which I can type notes, so I can go back and review the talk at a later time.]

Yes, I agree with the other commenters; please post your slides.

Bill Yanelli at 18:59 on 12 Feb 2019

Very well-organized talk, and with more substance than a simple review of SOLID. (Honestly, though, many of us could use a review of SOLID—this talk made me realize I had violated the Interface Segregation Principle more than a few times in the last codebase I worked on.) I appreciate Brandon acknowledgement that, on the one hand, you should stick to established design patterns, but on the other hand, those design patterns are general enough that it takes some ingenuity to fit them into your particular use case.

Brandon had some harsh words for traits (which I'm generally in favor of), but we had a nice discussion about it afterwards. It's always fun to talk design patterns with someone who's heavily interested/experienced but not too dogmatic.

P.S. Shout-out to the audience member at this talk who said he had an interface at work with 300 methods!

Jonathan W at 22:15 on 13 Feb 2019

I knew most of the concepts Brandon presented but appreciated the extra clarification on single responsibility. The rest of the talk had great examples too and was easy to follow and understand.