My Journey to the Center of PHP


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Excellent talk! inspiring, informative and well delivered.

Will Gallego at 11:49 on 16 Sep 2016

Sammy was energetic and positive, love that in a speaker. There was a personable nature to his talk that is so tough to replicate. There was a solid balance of deep tech knowledge and social skills, which is important to keep in mind in talks.

Eli White at 22:01 on 16 Sep 2016

Not only extremely informative. but inspiring to everyone in the room. Also presented in an extremely jovial and friendly presentation style that entertained while educating.

Ben Shoemaker at 16:42 on 17 Sep 2016

Compelling case for bravery in handling a technological challenge - and succeeding!
Shows how a normal people can tackle major change contributions in php.

Excellent talk! Energetic, hilarious one-liners to keep the audience captivated, educational, and inspiring for anyone that is considering becoming a contributor.

Ian Littman at 17:17 on 18 Sep 2016

As someone who was in the Uncon room at Sunshine 2015 when ircmaxell sold Sammy "you should build this CSPRNG thing", it was extremely interesting to see behind the curtain to what happened between that point and when my beloved random_bytes/int functions made it into PHP 7.

The presentation was informative, entertaining and encouraging...and had all teh dank memez (or something). Big win in my book.

I liked that Sammy never give up trying to make the world of PHP better, RESPECT! thank you for sharing!

Adam Bassett at 09:45 on 19 Sep 2016

Loved this talk! It was very inspirational and points out that even someone that has no clue what they are doing can contribute and make a difference with a little help from the great open source community.

This talk was both entertaining and encouraging. Sammy not only shared how he got where he is in the PHP community from a technical perspective but also a human one. Learning something new almost always involves some confusion and anxiety and it was nice to hear how he worked through that. Thanks for the talk

Anonymous at 18:52 on 20 Sep 2016

One of the standout talks. Sammy had great personality and delivery, and I feel motivated to become a PHP contributor.