Design How Your Objects Talk Through Mocking


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Anonymous at 15:08 on 30 Aug 2014

Very good talk

Very nice in depth talk. Might be a bit high level depending on the audience so explaining what SOLID is, might help

Although I don't write tests (jet), it was interesting. Also for recognizing SOLID principles violation.

Anonymous at 15:27 on 30 Aug 2014

Great talk, good material. I would have liked to see more references (
Some people may not know you were referring to Robert Martin when you mention Uncle Bob.

Keep it up with the good work.

Loved the speaker's passion and knowledge about the subject, but a lot was way over my head. Some dp violations never even heard of. Probably the most complex talk of this conference. Perhaps some basic introduction for non-testers would have helped, but understandably not possible in such short time frame.

Anonymous at 21:08 on 30 Aug 2014

The slides if anyone is interested:

Anonymous at 00:36 on 31 Aug 2014

Communicated very high knowledge. Definately one of the best talks at Laracon EU 2014.

Anonymous at 11:34 on 31 Aug 2014

I personally found a lot of value in this talk. I have been using TDD enthusiastically for 6+ months and I learned some great techniques for understanding my code through the use of testing and mocking. I feel like this talk also did a great job tying in the SOLID principles and giving a more practical real-world analysis of how these principles look in code.

I would not change the fact that you use real-world style examples, even if the code is more complex as a result. There's enough simplified examples out there and this sort of information is valuable.

I would suggest a little less text on non-source slides, if possible. I would also liked to have seen a very short introduction to the SOLID principles at the beginning of the talk. "These principles are blah blah blah, object-oriented design, blah blah blah. They are important to know, and here are some resources to learn more about them." I think that would help to better tie this talk to some of the uninitiated.

Thanks so much for this.

Good talk. I did get lost along the way sometimes. Perhaps because I have very little experience with TDD, never mind BDD. But you got your points across excellently and I've learned a lot.

Anonymous at 17:15 on 31 Aug 2014

The speaker considered many prerequisites like packages and design patterns. Some of us don't know this shit... yet.

I really liked the the talk, thank you. Wouldn't have minded if it had lasted for another hour :)

A super practical explanation of a super theoretical topic. It sparked a lot of great conversations afterwards.

Brilliant to see a good in-depth TDD talk at this conference. The speaker managed to get a lot of detail into a short space. I'd looked into the arguments by DHH and others against TDD so it was re-assuring to see the difference it makes when done through this approach. A lot of the principles discussed also coincided with other talks from the day so it was good to see such consistency to prevent confusion in the audience.

Anonymous at 21:53 on 2 Sep 2014

You're talk has made me realize more where I go wrong. Also will be giving this to a colleague or two :D

Really awesome talk. A lot of the problems I'm facing while trying to write tests that make sense, are addressed here.

But I was lost on the topic about Liskof Substitution violation. And I'm really interested about the answer where people are "arguing" on the test code.

Thanks for the fantastic talk!
Example with Mink driver was the most excellent as for me.