Kubernetes, the flagship project from the Cloud Native Foundation, has become the de facto standard for running our container workloads. Unfortunately, Kubernetes is a fast moving, ever evolving, sea of complexity. From Pods to Deployments, ConfigMaps to Secrets, and PersistantVolumeClaims to StatefulSets; this workshop will get you on-course. In this workshop, David will walk you through a series of labs that will teach you everything you need to know to take your container based application and deploy it as a self-healing, redundant and resilient application on top of Kubernetes. Let's set sail.


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Scott Dutton at 13:37 on 21 Feb 2019

Really enjoyed this workshop. Was first time using Kubernetes in the workshop, everything went smooth. There was lots to do but also lots of support and going though the examples at the end was really useful.

Thanks for running such an enjoyable workshop