Almost every project accumulates legacy code over time, this is a story of what we learned and how we’ve put it under control on one large,


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Interesting talk, talked a bit too fast though.

Good talk, but too much technical details and talkee too fast.

The talk had some great points about taming legacy. The talk was very specific to the stack of the project in question, but I would have gotten more out of the talk if it was more generic. However, I learned how risky these things are, to not rush taming legacy and to measure everything.

Ivan Vrtarić at 19:46 on 7 Oct 2017

A bit too much and too specific information crammed into too little time, but had some good points.

The first part of the talk seemed promising - real-world, pragmatic, systematic - but then went into a flurry of keywords that I imagine didn't mean much for most of the audience, which is a shame because my impression is that Vedran is a capable engineer with a lot of experience and can communicate them from a stage.