Kubernetes based PaaS are becoming more and more popular in the Enterprise. This means large enterprises need to accommodate to and integrate the new paradigms into their current non-agile (and very often ITIL-based) operational model.

DevOps can help traditional IT operational groups make a smooth transition. In this process, automation technologies need to be considered to provide an automation API for every group and also, very important, to help clarify the chain of responsibility and improve traceability.

The goal of the session is to provide an overview of a modern cloud operational model for Kubernetes in a complex scenario. We will introduce Ansible as the automation key technology to provide an API for every context of the model and show how we can implement a Kubernetes life-cycle on OpenShift.

And finally, we will also discuss how this can still match the ITIL operational model.


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The presentation looked far more as a product demo than a conference talk. The speaker's tone was so monotone that became quite boring at some times.

Javi at 11:21 on 6 Jun 2019

Expected more than a demo

Santi Muñoz at 11:22 on 6 Jun 2019

We already saw how to use Ansible Tower in another talk, this one felt redundant, presenting again the same product. I expected more technical stuff and less selling their product, for the second time in the same conference.

Looked like a product demo with few technical information. Also, to me, was boring at some point.