A product designer's life is never dull. Learn the fascinating insights into working remotely - how to reach the highs and manage the lows


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Sven Kapudija at 23:01 on 7 Oct 2017

Ivana presented her workflow while working as a remote product designer. I expected much more focus on being remote and challenges that it brings, as the majority of the tools presented are the same while working remote or not (Photoshop vs Sketch, Slack etc.).

Overall great talk, but more focus on actual experiences and less on tools would, in my opinion, provide even better talk :)

I agree with Sven.

Antonio Peric at 19:03 on 8 Oct 2017

Very basic, nothing new, nothing important for anyone interesting in remote design position or working flows. Speaker was ok, but I expected much more from this presentation - like problems, orgnization flows - not ps vs sketch things

I think topics were combined in this talk that don't belong together (an overview of tools a designer uses and then what it's like to work remotely) and would have appreciate more focus on remote work, but a decent talk, nevertheless.