Development by zombies!


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Mike Oram at 20:57 on 13 Nov 2019

Interesting ideas with some good unique ways of thinking about things. Little too much content for a lightening talk which made it difficult to follow all of it, consider stripping down to less content with longer explanations. Great slides and graphics!

Alex Day at 22:27 on 13 Nov 2019

Really liked the metaphor here of the issues that can come up in code, and a thorough explanation of them. Definitely great for helping developers be more aware of our processes.

Sam R. at 23:29 on 13 Nov 2019

A good concept that I've not heard of in this way before, but I did struggle to digest all the information. Possibly down to the limited visual information/examples or simply too much content for a lightning talk.

Roussetos at 08:36 on 14 Nov 2019

An interesting talk in terms of subject, coming from an experienced software engineer (with all the wisdom that comes along)

Most of it comes down to understanding what you are doing, instead of just doing it!

Nice slides, good topic, but felt that it needed some better explained examples per concept to be fully understood (with a bit more content on each slide).
And as such, as this was a lightning talk, it would probably benefit from less sub-topics with that bit of extra info on each of them (as other co-attendees suggest as well).