High quality live broadcasting with PHP


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Interesting topic! The presentation was very engaging, good looking slides, well delivered.

Live demos are always a challenge, but even with the initial wifi issues, the twitch stream worked beautifully.

michal2099 at 10:49 on 3 Oct 2016

The presentation was nice, it was very well prepared, there was nice live demo. Martin talk was interesting but... there was almost nothing to learn from this presentation. The only new thing for me (and i think most of ppl there) was that it is possible to do "live" stream using ffmpg package.

But anyway, worth hearing :)

It was an entertaining talk, but I am a bit disappointed because I did not learn much.

Tomasz Wójcik at 22:03 on 4 Oct 2016

I was interested in this topic few years ago and Your presentation reminded me of that time. You've talked only a bit of what I had to learn back then (and I wasn't into the topic for a long time). You could mention more about the idea in general, maybe about Red5 server a bit and not focus that much on the bundle itself (especially not how it's interfaces look like). Although it was an interesting presentation. Hope to see more when You fix some issues in the bundle like handling that ffmpeg process dies and such :)