Titanium Tutorial


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I'm just getting started with mobile development but cross platform development with JavaScript sounded attractive.

The material was very good, hampered a bit by the spotty wifi and the unavailability of Twitter data, but the speakers managed to work around it nicely.

The speakers were clearly very experienced developers that know their stuff, however the workshop was hardly interactive. One possible point for improvement might be to (especially in such a small audience with ample time) involve the audience more.

My favorite part was the last part, unscripted 'how I refactored this app', 'have you thought about custom schemes as a way of cross-platform intents?' and interesting Q&A.

They certainly convinced me to try Titanium for my next app.

It was for me the first time I saw in real life what Titanium can do for me. I had read about it before but now I have some goog handles to start building my own app. Also Jason and Fokke conviced me why I should use Titanium instead of Phonegap.

The only point of improvement in my opinion would be to let the tweaking of a live builded app for what it is and have a perfect prepared app to show the result instead.

Nice job guys