Almost every day we talk to team-members, colleagues, managers, product owners, stake holders and more. It's an essential part of our work. It's also very hard. We need to know the details, they need to know when it's done. Talking can take up a lot of time and energy. Wouldn't it be great to be really efficient at it?

Understanding our spheres of influence is key. When, where and how can we make the most impact and get the best results? What do we need from others, and what do they need from us? How can we be of service, without placating or just giving in? When is it best to say nothing at all?

This talk will cover the various spheres of influence we experience and which roles we play. We'll discuss building trust for long term results and how we never ever say "no". We'll see how being mindful leaves us with more time and energy. Stop being a victim and start taking control.


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Jeroen v.d. Gulik at 14:16 on 9 Jun 2018

Great talk incredibly well delivered and could have been even better as a Keynote

Great interactive talk! I loved the acting!

Great speaker, well prepared, great ideas in how to be better at communication to get a good outcome where everybody is happier. Excellent role playing all by himself.

A R S at 09:26 on 10 Jun 2018

Surprisingly useful! A lot of 'soft skill' talks deal mostly in vagueness and buzz words. You gave some concrete examples of difficult situations, explained why they happen and how to act when they do. Every dev, sales rep and manager should see this talk.

Had a lot of fun during this talk, and learned new things as well.

Miro Svrtan at 16:39 on 10 Jun 2018

Brilliant talk, speaker and amazing stage presence.

IMHO a must see talk for all devs

What can I say, Pim is a great speaker who mixes interactivity and humour with great content.
Seeing him talk is always fun.

The warning at the beginning was a good idea and the examples were great!
I don't think I can add anything else at this point. It's a must watch!

I always appreciate the way Pim has meaningful interaction with audience. This couldn't be more true for this talk. The way Pim interacted with the audience added a whole new dimension to the information he was sharing. Conveying information in a clear manner is a special skill, but being able to convey information and then demonstrating the information in a perfect manner is a skill which is nearly extinct.

For this reason I really recommend every developer should attend this talk when they have the opportunity to. I didn't check my phone or watch a single time during the talk. I think this is a pretty clear talk for a brilliant talk.

This is opening keynote material. This way Pim can act as an inspirator for an even greater audience!

Henry Snoek at 20:12 on 10 Jun 2018

Pim is an engaging and entertaining speaker. As mentioned by others this is keynote material. Well done!

If I had to say something to improve this I'd say to drop one of the scenarios with the boss/overtime/pizza story as that felt a bit too long.

I loved the message of the talk, this is a subject which is important for every professional. Great role playing and it was clear you did your research (Remco! ;-).

That being said; to me there were a few things that distracted me in the performance. In my opinion the pace was a little low, a lot of repetition, drinking lots of water, long breaks. In my opinion you lost the momentum / energy sometimes with that.

Dennis D at 23:24 on 10 Jun 2018

Such a useful talk brought in a very cool, unique way. Pim is a great speaker.

Hands down the best presented talk at the DPC. Pim is a genuine good presenter. His way of talking just forces you to listen to every word he says, in a good way!
The subject might seem dry at first, but because of his good presentation skills you will lose this feeling right at the start. Also, you will see he has done his research. He knows what he is talking about. He even made his own visuals to illustrate certain aspects of human interaction and influence.
So, not only did the talk got my attention because of his presentation skills, but the content was very intriguing as well.
Thank you for this!

Robert Basic at 13:53 on 14 Jun 2018

Best talk of the conference, on every point: content, message, delivery...