Why should someone care about SQL, when a developer can abstract it into code? What about an ORMs? What impacts are there for a project? The database is out of sight, the database is out of mind, but this is where problems can start. This talk is about the importance of the database in a project and that SQL abstractions can add up to problems for your project. Know your database and the tools accessing it.


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Interesting talk, a bit heavy to be the first one after lunch!

Oleksandr at 15:36 on 18 May 2023

Interesting topic, author described some SQL and Doctrine magic :)

Well presented and clear

Nice talk about Doctrine and a bit of its internals

Good talk

Luca Masno at 18:13 on 18 May 2023

Good talk

Airton Zanon at 10:41 on 19 May 2023

I really liked the content and I think that is something that needs to be spread in the community, but it was heavy for a talk after lunch.

Great talk, but in the morning would have been better.

A big lesson: know your tools before deciding