Database version control without pain


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still an awesome talk that everyone should have seen at least once (this was my third(?) time ;) )

and yay for mentioning Doctrine Migrations ;)

it gets better every time I see it. Rock on!!!

This was the second time I saw this talk, but this time I was mostly sober. And maybe due to that fact or the fact that my memory had left me I still picked up a thing or two again (Doctrine and Phing features). It was also great to see the talk in Dutch this time. And Harrie definitely knows how to make the subject live among the crowd with great visuals and some good jokes.

After having missed the talk quite a few times I finally got a chance to see it and it didn't disappoint.
Well rounded talk touching all the key pain points and possible solutions.

It was the second time for me too. It is an excellent talk on how you can accomplish database version control, and your talk (the time before this one) has given me the inspiration and was the motivation of our current deployment scripts here at the office, so I really did get something out of it.

When it comes to presenting skills, I can think of nothing to improve. The switch from English to Dutch didn't deteriorate the quality of the talk even one bit. Very well done, Harrie.

Funny that almost everyone has seen this talk before, same for me :)
Still it's a good talk and it's nice to see new solutions have been added like Doctrine (thanks to Stefan ;))

I also did see the talk earlier on DPC. The talk however remains interesting, and very recognisable. The presentation was clear, amusing and informative.

Didn't see this talk before, I must have been the only one...

Very good talk with a lot of information on how to do database version control. Good in-depth information where useful, but not too much.
Very good pointers for things to look out for and some good suggestions on what available tools you can use or how to create some simple tools yourself.