In this interactive talk I'll share with you a simple app I've been building on my spare time as a way of getting hands-on experience with Event Sourcing.

I will show how I modelled my domain using DDD principles, how I applied Event Sourcing and CQRS using the Prooph framework, Doctrine and PostgreSQL, and how I hooked that up to Apigility to provide a RESTful API.


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Ben Cavens at 23:33 on 29 Jun 2016

Nice run through actual DDD code structure where most eventsourcing talks stick at a conceptual level. I am gonna check out more on the Aggregate root concept.

Ben Cavens at 13:11 on 30 Jun 2016

Not at all. It was a very informative talk and I really enjoyed it. It also inspired me to look further into the subject. Besides that your presentation skills are solid: not anxious or too fast but fluent and at a steady pace.

In my mind a 3/5 is actually good but maybe the joindin scoring has a different mapping then me :)
Since I don't really have any remarks on the talk I'm more than willing to bump it up to 4/5.

Ben Cavens at 13:30 on 30 Jun 2016

amend on my previous comment

It was a very informative talk and I really enjoyed it. It also inspired me to look further into the subject. Besides that your presentation skills are solid: not anxious or too fast but fluent and at a steady pace.

As speaker no comment, only positive things.
The presentation, it is nice to see a globe view on event sourcing, you normally see a small part of this subject. Only remark was if it wasn't dangerous to put Prooph (ask gabriel how is was written) in the domain logic, but after the presentation he gave a good explanation why it isn't.

Side note: we now all know you are born in Congo, and we will never forget.