Behat: Beyond the Basics


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Camilo Payan at 18:09 on 5 Feb 2016

My favorite talk so far. The slides are gold, and the explanations were very clear. I actually think I can use Behat beyond the Behat docs, now!

I enjoyed the Behat talk. It was a great exposition of the topic and all its main and more advanced funcitonality. Thanks!

Anonymous at 18:12 on 5 Feb 2016

Steve Grunwell at 00:52 on 6 Feb 2016

Unit testing tends to get covered pretty well, but BDD can be one of those "okay, so it's not unit tests but a bigger picture thing, but not necessarily end-to-end integration, so...something?" areas, so it was great to see Jessica break down where BDD is most appropriate and useful and – perhaps more importantly – what it's *not* designed to do.

One small recommendation on the deck: the fade transitions felt exceptionally slow and could be sped up a bit.

Excellent explanation of some more intermediate/advanced techniques. I'll be implementing a lot that I learned here.

Anonymous at 02:34 on 8 Feb 2016

Stephen Young at 11:54 on 8 Feb 2016

This was a great talk overall with some good tips and real world examples. One nit-pick: I felt that some of the slides in the first half were a bit too busy and difficult to read (specifically the slides with Gherkin on the left and a list of bullets on the right). However, the rest of the slides (that just showed code) were much better.

Power-packed. Finally, a talk that isn't introducing Behat. Jeffrey Way introduces Behat better than anyone. Jessica Mauerhan teaches you to use it to get some real work done! A fully-loaded talk with tons of practical advice and usable code examples. Perhaps a lot of time is spent on maintaining Behat 2.x techniques; is version lock-in with Behat 2 a thing? Either way, attending this talk has made me better; practicing along with the slides now.