A separate ticket is required to attend this full-day training taking place Oct 22nd (the day before the conference) - https://world.phparch.com/register

This is an 8-hour training class for the Laravel framework. Attendees will start from scratch and get a tour of the Laravel ecosystem and work through exercising precisely designed to demonstrate the basics and work up to advanced framework patterns and tooling. We'll walk through building your first application and iterate slowly adding complexity and adding onto the application via building an API, authenticating users, protecting input forms with extensive data validation as well as testing the entire application to ensure confidence in our code.

### Equipment & Assumptions:

Attendees should bring a computer with development tools and an environment capable of PHP 7+, MySQL, and Nginx/Apache already installed. The project will offer built-in support for Laravel Homestead https://laravel.com/docs/homestead a Vagrant based development environment. If you wish to use Homestead please follow the installation instructions BEFORE leaving for the conference.

All skill levels are welcome, the only assumption is attendees know how to set up a local development environment to run PHP, connect and view a local database, and be familiar with their code editor of choice.

### Learning Objectives:

* Tour of the Ecosystem and adjacent projects
* Getting Started & spinning up a new project
* Configuring Database connections & CRUD functionality via Laravel's Eloquent ORM
* Tour of the framework features and functionality via coding exercises to implement features based on examples
* Moving from local development to production

### Deliverables:

After this training, you should be familiar with installing and running your own Laravel PHP applications. You will also have full access to the training exercises via Github.com code repository (You will need to give the instructor your Github.com username to be invited to the code Repository after the training day event). You will also have access to the slides for the entire day's training and contact information for further reading and where to get help, as well as next step suggestions for learning materials and platforms, to continue your Laravel journey!


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James Leasure at 09:11 on 23 Oct 2019

Great talk! Joe put a lot of work into creating step-though examples. He helped several us with disparate environments from Homestead to Valet to WAMP get the examples setup and working. Joe has a lot of understanding of Laravel and the supporting technologies. The only wish is that I would have had more time to prep and understand the environment prior to the session.

Paul Brown at 10:54 on 24 Oct 2019

Joe is a great teacher. Very casual, yet extremely knowledgable, which is a good combination for a training session like this. I was able to fill in some gaps in my growing Laravel knowledge, enough so that it should improve my day-to-day tasks.