React.js: Super-fast Single Page Web Applications


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Steven Don at 13:47 on 24 Jun 2016

Was very, very fast due to time constraints. As someone unfamiliar with the technology, I would have liked to see some places where react was used in practice.

Andries Seutens at 13:59 on 24 Jun 2016

Loved it. Fast and to the point.

As someone infamiliar with the technology, it was a great talk and it gave me a good idea about how I could use React!

Anonymous at 18:18 on 24 Jun 2016

Grant Lovell at 14:01 on 25 Jun 2016

Pratik is a very polished speaker, even given a mix up that left less time to get through the talk he remained smooth and confident.

A fast pased introduction to ReactJS, efficient talk including some live demos.

I asked about real world applications afterwards. Apart from todomvc he suggested to take a look at Instagram but also a CMS built on Node (was it perhaps Relax?)

Great presentation with a practical approach in a nutshell. Good explanation about how it works. Side note; would like to see some more use cases.

Arnout Boks at 09:14 on 23 Jul 2016

Good delivery and nice examples. I would have liked some more in-depth content though, the pace was a bit slow, and in my opinion too much time (of the half hour left) was spent on some non-React Javascript basics.