Quickly finding, understanding, and fixing bugs is a difficult but integral part of every developers workday. There are great presentations on debugging tools and theory, but few on debugging practice.

This session will be a case study of a specific bug I found, and fixed. We'll go over exactly the tools, techniques, and steps I used to fix it, and we'll cover the basics of how to find, report, and follow-up on bugs in the Drupal.org issue queue.

You'll get the most out of this session if you're already familiar with common debugging tools, and Drupal module APIs, but you don't need to be proficient at them.


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Nick Landis at 13:36 on 4 Jun 2017

hasn't even started yet, but it's great!

Dennis Kimble at 05:54 on 5 Jun 2017

Great Class! The instructor was very organized which allowed me to follow his train of thought as he described how to move from a very high level analysis of a problem down to the specific point of failure.

I would very much like to see more of these types of classes that help newbies get inside the head of experienced Drupal coders to improve their skills.