My journey to the center of PHP


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Rob at 14:18 on 20 Oct 2016

Good talk! Nice designed (and funny) sheets makes it keeps my (and others) attention. Good solution to add sheets as breaks for speed limit ;). Keep in mind to repeat a question for other attendees when somebody asks something, keep up the good work!

I really enjoyed this talk. Thank you for the shout out :) Now I need to find someone to help me make the same journey. Thank you a lot for doing this talk.

Sign me up!

Colin O'Dell at 11:15 on 21 Oct 2016

Thank you for sharing your experience and the knowledge you've picked up along the way! This was a really great talk that I thoroughly enjoyed listening to.

David Thomson at 13:39 on 21 Oct 2016

He did a great talk on the "winding path" he took from a PHP user to a contributor.
He is a very good presenter!

Good and enjoyable talk, very well presented and enthusiastic. A view of the (possible) path that leads into contributing to PHP.