What will AI look like in 10, 30, 100 years? Let your imagination run amok in this sci-fi short.


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Mike Oram at 20:44 on 10 Apr 2019

Interesting concept of talking from a future perspective. Could have been a little slower pace to help us follow the narratives but a great way to tell stories and postulate about the future of AI. Subtle jokes throughout sometimes worked but sometimes were a little too subtle and got lost. Aim to stand still or pace less while talking, it gave a false impression of nervousness and lack of practice, which clearly wasn't the case.

An interesting talk format, with some nice ideas and good delivery

I’d have loved to see a timeline to help put some of the events in scale.

Rob Wilson at 20:46 on 10 Apr 2019

Lucia always gives a great talk, her stories inspire and make you think - only thing that springs to mind is maybe throw a slide or two in ;)

Loved the talk about how science fiction could become science fact. Would enjoy some slides to show what era we were in when talking about the progressing timeline.