Server Side Rendering (SSR) is a technique to reuse client-side JavaScript code on the server. The main advantage is to speed up the first rendering time and improve the user experience on page load. It is considered one of the most complicated features to implement in the JS ecosystem. Yet, web apps with a high traffic often need it. In this talk, I’ll start by introducing the concept of SSR, followed by examples with React, Vue and some other frameworks (like Next or Nuxt). The last part will be dedicated to what I've learned building the new [Mozilla Add-ons frontend](


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Samuele Lilli at 01:18 on 11 May 2018

Nice subject but a bit slow and unclear (pleonastic?) exposure. Don’t know if this was due to a long time slot or not, but it was really hard to stay concentrated for all the hour long.

Luca Fabbri at 18:39 on 11 May 2018

Loved this talk, he presented how a team has been involved in the topic, issues found (not few!) and some good suggestion to avoid them.
Loved the conclusion about using or not SSR.

This is mostly an intro to server side rendering, and a lot of the time is spent discussing the wrong way to do it (double rendering). Some interesting points like performing requests to an API mid-request in the back-end are not addressed.

The author also seemed to think redux was the first implementation of the flux architecture?

William Durand (Speaker) at 21:08 on 15 May 2018

@João Ferreira thanks for the feedback. I did not say Redux was the first (or only) implementation of the Flux architecture, sorry if that was not clear. I insisted on Redux because around 2015-2016, it became clear that Redux was a good choice for React apps that needed a data management layer other than what React offered.