Running your pipelines with passwords or tokens everywhere is like breaking your pasta, and good Italians don’t do it. When building CI/CD pipelines, they usually require one or more credentials to access other systems. This leads to credentials being spread across multiple environments or repos, to be used by your pipelines. This could become a concern as the number of repos increases. As your use of pipelines scales, you’ll find it increasingly difficult to:

• Keep credentials up to date
• Manage secret rotation and versioning
• Ensure that the principle of least privilege is in place
• Work around pipelines limits
This is where HashiCorp Vault helps. HashiCorp Vault becomes the identity broker and solves this providing identities and credentials as-a-service allowing you to quickly get up and running all your pipelines. So you can focus only on the adoption of secure credential management. In this talk we show how is so simply to secure your pipeline, without expose credentials, token or sensitive information with a cloud agnostic approach.


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