Nowadays developers, and others, have the habit to use Git or other version control systems when writing software. While the benefits of this are mostly seen by means of pull/merge requests, easy “”undo”” functionality, team collaboration and others, the real benefit is history. When did we change this piece of code, and more importantly: why?
By using clever commit message and branch strategies, you can reconstruct the way your or your colleagues’ brain was thinking a year ago! It will help you pinpoint the exact ticket where a client requested a specific change and by who it was sanctioned. Start keeping a diary today, and write history!


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Ike Devolder at 20:25 on 4 Oct 2017

Very nice that the main content of the presentation could be squeezed in this small timeslot. All main features of how to properly use git were there. People had a laugh but will probably properly remember the stuff about bad commits and proper commits because of it.