It is important to reach every last customer, but there are a lot of customers out there for whom the web is not an easy quick-stop. Your target audience contains people who need visual or motor assistance whether they have a specific condition that affects them or are just part of the very large and aging Baby Boomer generation. Learn some tips for evaluating the accessibility of your site, and find out how to broaden your site's appeal while making the web a more accessible place for everyone.


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As a web developer mostly focused on front-end development and SEO, I must say that Beth's talk about accessibility was highly enriching, not only because all the tools that she shared with the audience but for exposing the reasons that support the whole idea of applying accessibility standards. Certainly, the altruistic motivation of this talk was always the fundamental purpose, but the commercial value for independent consultants like me was a significant gain.

Peter Fisher at 20:40 on 10 Feb 2019

I did a whole module on web accessibility at university and I learnt more in this talk! I'm so glad you added references and you pulled apart your own website to show how the changes can be made. Thank you

Bill Yanelli at 16:20 on 13 Feb 2019

As someone who went in knowing nothing about accessibility, I was floored by this talk. It was practically a whole syllabus on the topic, delivered in an hour, with many helpful references at the end. Beth has thought through the things many of us take for granted, like how websites rely on colors and detailed mouse interactions that exclude the visually impaired and mobility impaired. I left the talk feeling encouraged by the amount of tooling around accessibility that's been created to make it easier for this generation of developers to stress-test our sites.

David Bisset at 08:59 on 17 Feb 2019

Nice focus on high level things (so many dealing with accessibility) and not making attendees feel guilty about not shooting for everything, at least at once.