Ready to write an amazing front-end for your app? There are *so* many great tools, like React, Vue.js, module loaders, Sass, LESS, PostCSS and more. But, they all have one thing in common: you need to configure a *build* system before you write a single line of code! Thankfully, there's Webpack: the leading tool for processing & bundling your JavaScript and CSS. There's just one problem: configuring Webpack is tough and requires a lot of Webpack-specific knowledge. Say hello to Webpack Encore: a library built by Symfony to quickly bootstrap a sophisticated asset setup, complete with minification, SASS processing, automatic versioning, Babel support and *everything* you need to start writing great JavaScript quickly. In this talk, we'll also learn about using JavaScript modules, how to bootstrap a framework (like React) and other important modern practices. Give your assets a huge boost with Webpack Encore!


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Brent Shaffer at 09:48 on 20 Oct 2017

Awesome library and great information on the overall state of Javascript. I would love to see live coding / deployment.