The traditional approach to data modeling is to create a single unified model. We use one User model to represent users in each and every feature. As this relationship graph grows, the data model becomes increasingly difficult to change.

In this session we’ll explore ways to create useful Eloquent data models that are smaller, more focused, and are much easier to change.

This session is for beginning or expert developers of applications large or small.


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Sometimes it promoted bad practices

Rico Humme at 15:45 on 8 Jun 2018

Interesting thoughts on approach of decoupling your models. Never thought of models over barriers through events.

Jeroen v.d. Gulik at 18:17 on 8 Jun 2018

Honestly one of the most approachable talks when it comes to boundaries

Jochem Fuchs at 20:30 on 8 Jun 2018

Not a bad talk. I've seen much better talks from Shawn, but it was nevertheless a very useful talk with good points

Nice talk.

A R S at 23:38 on 9 Jun 2018

Interesting take on making models more loosely coupled, but comes with a important down sides that the speaker didn't mention or glossed over. This kind of coupling breaks the 'one source of truth' rule, misconfigured events or outside changes could create invalid data. There is very little preventing (for example) and talk.speakerName having different values.

Tim Huijzers at 03:21 on 10 Jun 2018

Very interesting approach on how to explain boundaries.

Srdjan Vranac at 17:23 on 10 Jun 2018

The idea this talk conveys is really important, I had some analysis paralysis regarding the possible approaches to this matter, and this cleared it up nicely.

Robert Basic at 09:48 on 11 Jun 2018

I felt that this talk is less about "this is how you should do things", but more of a talk to challenge the status quo and lets try something new and different to make things better because the speaker is not happy with how things are in the web dev community. Not a lot of people are out there trying to push the boundaries, but Shawn is one of them.

Onno Marsman at 13:27 on 11 Jun 2018

Great insight in how to prevent a model from exploding for different feature. I think it wouldn't be wise to store everything redundant, but there could be use cases where this might be useful.

Ronald D. at 18:28 on 11 Jun 2018

Good talk, useful insights into boundaries.

Arnout Boks at 19:03 on 14 Jun 2018

Nice talk, but would have preferred some more content about the tradeoffs involved in your approach, also with regards to testability. Also, I think the message you're trying to get across is easily understood: instead of a gentle introduction to bounded contexts people might have interpreted it as an advice to create a separate datamodel for every (small) feature. That might be something to watch out for.