Aint not Search Like an Elastic Search


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The right balance of professionalism, information and humour. Great knowledge of subject matter, look forward to hearing more talks from him in the future

Colin O'Dell at 11:00 on 30 Sep 2016

I really enjoyed this talk. Grant did a great job describing things both at a high level and providing useful, interesting examples for specific features.

Matt Vosloo at 11:05 on 30 Sep 2016

Very humorous and informative. Great presents on the stage!

Informative and very entertaining speaker.

David du Toit at 11:13 on 30 Sep 2016

Cool presentation, a lot of energy, funny, interactive and pleasant to listen to. Also enthusiastic about how important good searches are.

The background colour was a bit too dark for the font colours on the slides.
A few spelling mistakes on the slides.
'profunction' is now a workd. :)

Good presentation, humorous and informative

Andre Smith at 12:56 on 30 Sep 2016

One could hear that the speaker know's the topic very well. He was also well prepared, and spoke to the audience in a clear understandable fashion.
One criticism I can give is on the slides that has a few errors in them, but Grant did notice them as well.

Very engaging and interesting. Well designed slides...

Josh Harington at 23:32 on 1 Oct 2016

Awesome stuff!