PHP Extension Writing


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Great primer on module writing and a tiny peek into the inner workings of php.

I was only there for the last hour, but I did enjoy the overview of extensions stuff and it was nice to see some of the more complex stuff (did i miss stuff on doing object handlers for objects? That's usually something people want to see)

Excellent talk and great examples. I'll definitely be able to go back and use those for reference. Thank you for providing them and making it simple to get them running.

Great presentation I think this is definitely something I'm going to have to go off and study more on my own.

This was a wonderful introduction to developing extensions. It was especially great to get a glimpse at the PHP internals through the eyes of someone so familiar with them.

Truly excellent talk as well as stellar examples available at:

Nice work Sara Golemon.

The workshop was paced very well and Sara's material and delivery were both excellent. The git repository used for exercises and code exploration will definitely be useful references in the future.