As you might have already heard from a grumpy individual, adding more tests to your codebase is crucial to its stability over time. This session isn't about adding tests to your PHP codebase, but adding tests to the PHP language itself. And the best part is, all the tests are written in PHP so you don't even have to dust off that old C book from college. In this session you'll see how to find untested parts of the PHP source code, how to write a test for the untested feature, and how to submit your tests to PHP internals. Not only will you be making PHP more stable and reliable, but there's a good chance the tests you write will give you a deeper understanding of PHP; knowledge you can use to improve your own codebases. Not to mention you'll be able to call yourself an internals contributor. Come on in! The water's fine!


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Really enjoyed this session and thinking I'm going to start trying to contribute!

John at 16:41 on 26 Oct 2017

Fantastic. Best session I went to at this conference. Incredible preparation and delivery. Listening to this talk at 8 in the morning was more effective than coffee.

Julian at 17:17 on 26 Oct 2017

This was my another of my favorite talks this year. Super well explained, 100% practical, and the slides looked like they were made by a professional designer! Kept the energy up consistently. Great job!

Tim Ledlie at 10:16 on 27 Oct 2017

Well-delivered, great slides, interesting topic. Could have been less repetition with showing the code changes and then showing the screencast making those changes. Also, would have been nice to talk a hair slower :-), but the energy was great!

Aaron Todd at 07:00 on 30 Oct 2017

Sammy's delivery was top notch. You could really tell he put a lot of time into this presentation.

The content was great too. I've never contributed back to the core of PHP, but have written a few custom extensions over the years that these testing concepts would have helped out with had I known about them.

Sean Talbot at 13:05 on 30 Oct 2017

Always great to hear about ways to help with PHP internals :)