Hands-free is the future of Internet services due to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) discipline of natural language processing. Google Assistant, released in 2016, realizes the promise of voice as a more natural and frictionless way to interact with technology. Although not the first product of its type on the market, Google Assistant outshines its competitors. During this talk, learn how to interact with Google Assistant and the steps required to teach this AI to become smarter. This talk explores the creation of Actions and the API.AI platform by peaking under the covers of an existing Action. Attendees will hear from a developer's point of view, the major differences in development and implementation between Google Assistant and its competitors. Attendees are exposed to creating Actions using JavaScript and the Google Cloud Platform.


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Jeff Madsen at 12:03 on 11 Feb 2018

A lot of fun with clear, easy speaking. Anyone who let's me know all the things that will screw with me ahead of time is okay by me ;-)

I was playing with something similar and this gave me some insights about some of the possibilities I didn't even realize were out there to use.

Excellent and very interesting, it made me think about applications to develop. Thanks for sharing the struggles you had so we can go over them.