Can you say with images what you might say with words or voice? Storytelling is in our DNA, it is what we do everyday and as designers, developers, and leaders. You are entrusted to tell the stories of your clients and stakeholders. This session will help you be concise, conclusive, and comprehensive with storytelling.


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Taylor Barnett at 11:13 on 4 May 2019

Regine was amazing! The talk had a lot of useful tips and things to think about when story telling, but even when just having conversations with anyone. An hour just flashed by, very engaging.

This was an amazing talk. I did enjoy every moment of it. Hopefully I’d be able to improve my talking skills with the things and tricks I’ve learned from Regine Gilbert.

Regine Gilbert (Speaker) at 14:27 on 4 May 2019

Hello All! Here are the slides from the talk