The days of hand-crafted artisanal servers are long over. Modern web applications need to be able to run on many different servers without code changes. Not just different hosting providers, but different environments on the same hosting provider. Whether you're using a legacy dev/stage/prod setup or a modern branch-is-environment host, modern hosting imposes some requirements on your application design but also offers a huge potential for new and powerful tools.

In this session, we'll explore some key guidelines for building a cloud-friendly application, as well as look at some architectural options that a modern hosting platform enables.


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Really liked the talk!
Maybe the first part of the talk and the second (microservices) were a bit disconnected...

Mike Lehan at 16:47 on 13 Apr 2019

Got the concepts across well and Larry is a very animated and enthusiastic speaker, so kept us engaged too. I'd potentially add information on alternatives to storing data on file systems, as this can vary a lot between clouds - I'm unsure how platform handles it but user content can't really go to disk with AWS, so object stores (eg S3) are preferred

Mark Taylor at 12:06 on 14 Apr 2019

You're quite opinionated and very obviously anti non open source, which certainly isn't a bad thing but worth bearing in mind not everyone shares the same opinion. I generally think it's worth offering a balanced view of things. I think you're a great speaker and the way you present information inspires me.

Chris Emerson at 16:36 on 14 Apr 2019

I really enjoyed this talk - some great advice on ensuring that applications are portable and can be used on common cloud platforms, and lots of best practice to improve the security and maintainability in general.

Perhaps some of the advice was a bit more opinion than fact ("Don't use Amazon RDS" - it's still just MySQL/Postgres/other at the end of the day?) and I think the concernes about lock in are a bit overstated - it's important to use open standards and abstractions but I see nothing wrong with proprietary tools that implement those standards IMO, they still enable switching away.

Loved the talk, this gave me some food for thought, and although a particular project I am working on is not intended for the cloud I am starting to make changes (you never know, it might in future). This should also help with my CI/CD process as well as a side affect.

Shaun Walker at 09:38 on 15 Apr 2019

Really good overview of what key things make an application cloud friendly. And how to focus on being cloud agnostic and avoiding vendor lock in.

I saw the big push for using open source products as a highly encouraged recommendation, not doctrine. Which was backed up by all the points made prior about vendor lock-in. Something I thought I already made a priority in my own company but it definitely triggered my brain to think "hmm there are actually some dependencies we're not entirely safe from"

I would highly recommend this talk to anyone wanting to take the step from traditional shared/metal box hosting to hosting with a cloud provider.