User Experience has become a buzzword in the tech industry. Project managers and business partners are clamoring to improve the experience. You understand UX is a business necessity, but you aren't quite sure what it means to you or where to begin. This session discusses some common pitfalls of user interface design and simple techniques to inject UX into your applications from the start. These are the basic UX design principles you need to start adding UX to your project today.


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Parth K at 16:01 on 4 Nov 2022

Good eye opening talk. Good presentation and a lot to improve upon for me personally. Definitely changed my perspective a little.

Lots of great information. Very fast talking.

Wow! This talk was jam-packed with tips, techniques, and strategies. Putting it all together at the end with pitfalls to avoid was great. Ash was hiLARious. This presentation was insightful and entertaining. Well done!