Test-driven Development (TDD) is still a subject all developers agree is a great thing, but never get around to actually doing it for many reasons. In this workshop, I use real-world business requirements on legacy code for which we need to fix bugs and add features, but we’re doing it in a TDD way.

PLEASE NOTE: This half-day workshop takes place on Tuesday, May 23rd before the conference on our dedicated Workshop Day. A combination ticket including Workshop Day must be purchased in order to attend this class. Once you have purchased a Workshop Day ticket you may attend any workshops of your choice that day.


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John Conde at 09:09 on 24 May 2017

This was a great primer on TDD and the example used in the workshop was the best demonstration of how to think in terms of TDD I've seen yet. I'm looking forward to bringing this to my team and using that example as the foundation for our training.

Was a good phpunit coverage for 6.1. Hoping to start implementing this more

Chance Garcia at 14:06 on 24 May 2017

At first I was frustrated by the limited time for the exercises, until I realized that if I could accomplish the exercises in the time allotted, I didn't need the workshop to begin with.

I came there to learn strategies for testing legacy code and thinking in TDD moving forward. This workshop provided that knowledge. I'm looking forward to applying them to my work and personal code bases.

This was a great workshop. I also look forward to applying this in my work.

Mark Knapik at 10:17 on 29 May 2017

This was a great workshop. It reminded me about all the things I keep meaning to do, but never seem to get around to.