Easy Ways to Make Your Site More Accessible


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Michael Miles at 11:21 on 21 Mar 2016

Carie did an excellent job presenting on Accessibility. She clearly explained the broad spectrum that is covered by accessibility and why it is important when building a site to plan for it (even if it is not explicitly asked for by the client), and some of the practices that could be put into place. The session had a great flow to it, thanks to the real world case study she used as a reference.

As this was presented at a Drupal camp, it would have been nice if Carie covered more specifics on methods or modules/tools that can be used for developing accessible Drupal sites.

It was a great refresher of the basics and high level overview. I know there's only so much you can do in 30 minutes, but I really would have liked some more practical examples and demonstrations of the specific work/test/revision/test process that was followed.

Joe Vangsness at 16:47 on 24 Mar 2016

Very good presentation on an important topic.