Dip Your Big Toe Intro React with V School's Jacob Evans

This two-part course will cover the basics of using create-react-app-app.
We will be making a static site using JSX ES6 syntax and introducing props and state to make basic apps.
A great starting point for anyone interested in the wonderful world of React! [390]


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Show the code larger and black on white. It's hard to see in back. Ask if we can see it in back, more than once.

John Anderson at 16:49 on 15 Jul 2017

I was only present for about the first 30 minutes of the presentation.

The speaker went *way* too fast, and assumed knowledge far in advance of the listed prerequisites. Following along was *extremely* difficult, making this less of a "tutorial" and more of a "watch the speaker live code".

Slow down, provide more upfront information about what attendees should install on their laptops in advance, and provide more exact information about what knowledge will be assumed on the part of attendees.

Ben Mathews at 16:43 on 17 Jul 2017

Well done. Speaker explained a lot of places that would trip up novices. Could have done a better job helping people keep up with a list of actions on a screen.

Pedro Salgado at 20:16 on 19 Jul 2017

I don't work nor know Javascript yet I managed to follow the instructions and get my first React app working.

Thank you!