“If you build it, they will come,” they say. Not so! Marketing is crucial for anything you build that you want people to find and use. How should you market your app, your open source project, your mobile app, or anything else you build—especially as a time-strapped developer? This talk will go over marketing tips and recommendations to make sure what you build is seen and used.


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John Hackett at 10:44 on 26 May 2017

Another great talk by Tracy! Tons of great takeaways and real-life examples.

Mark Knapik at 10:49 on 29 May 2017

This was definitely a good talk. Lots of examples of tools to utilize. Lots of methods to use to make marketing easy.

SH at 17:55 on 30 May 2017

I really enjoyed this session a lot. It was different than most of the talks, not as technical. I enjoyed learning more about marketing, the philosophies and strategies behind it, and she presented techniques and tools to employ in our applications.

Sandy Smith at 16:08 on 6 Jun 2017

Excellent talk. My only suggestion for improvement is to not apologize for your slides. Everybody wishes they could perfect their slides each time, but it's not possible. There was nothing noticeably bad about them, so apologizing got in the way of the talk.

I appreciated the real examples of marketing, especially the practical how-tos for bootstrapping. I wish I'd heard this talk five years ago.