Even though Map Reduce was created for parallelization, which PHP does not natively support, the syntax is supported. In this article I will outline how to use map, filter, and reduce with PHP collections and the benefits you can gain over traditional for loops.

In this talk we will explore different methods of processing and manipulating collections of data giving you new tools in your developer’s toolbox.


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Good talk, but I would have liked for it to dig a little deeper, show some examples of map/reduce used in PHP at scale or in distributed systems.

Dana Luther at 14:41 on 25 Jan 2020

I thought this was a good explanation of the functions in question and how to use them to good effect. I found the code samples more difficult to follow than they should have been just because the formatting was inconsistent (which negated the “easier to read” argument), so a little focus there on the style would help tremendously for people who aren’t already familiar with the methods you’re demonstrating and would help drive home the readability point.

Jarno lasseel at 14:25 on 26 Jan 2020

A good talk about these functions, I already knew them but did not consider them in the way the speaker explained it. I liked the readability arguments and the ways to use these things. Would have likes some more depth about this.

Steve Winter at 19:25 on 26 Jan 2020

Good talk with clear explanations, but I felt it was a little disjointed in places and didn't flow as well as it could.

Very good presentation, thanks :)