Talk in English - US at ConFoo 2013
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Apps are Boring; Games are Fun
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Gave a good overview - enough to pique interest.
Nicely presented.
Kind of wished for a little bit more depth.
really enjoyed the talk topic, but it felt like it fell short because the speaker left too much time for questions. i understand why he did that, but it still left me wanting more and ever so slightly disappointed. but the talk was still pretty good even still.
Speaker knew the material, and was very personable, but wasn't terribly well practiced, and often got out of sync with his slides. He spent a lot of time talking about high-level concepts, and could have done a deeper dive with maybe some code examples. I liked the tidbits about FirefoxOS, though, and it was an engaging and entertaining talk.
Entertaining talk. Good speaker. I don't think that anyone would've minded more depth, though.