OpenShift is Red Hat's Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) that allows developers to quickly develop, host, and scale applications in a cloud environment. This tutorial will be a deep dive into:

- Using Ansible to deploy OpenShift in a High Availability (HA) cluster
- Managing OpenShift at the infrastructure level
- Building, deploying, and managing applications
- Integrating logging and metrics for both OpenShift and hosted applications

This is an interactive tutorial, so please brink a computer. Also, the conference's WiFi isn't 100% reliable, so please do the following before the talk:
o Download Minishift (
o Run `minishift start` to download the VM and configure it.

If you want to play with Minishift before the tutorial, here are the docs. (
Minishift is also provided with the Red Hat Container Developer Kit (


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Pedro Salgado at 20:20 on 19 Jul 2017

Speaker had lots of experience with OpenShift and great presentation skills.

I managed to get lots of questions answered.

I'm really excited to try this out at home.