Talk in English - UK at Laravel Belgrade meetup #3
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Really surprised what they said - that you are speaking for the first time. Some people have talent :)
Kratak ali dobar osvrt na middleware segment. Koliko god da je teško usaglasiti neke standarde, oni ipak olakšavaju život programerima (barem onima koji ih se pridržavaju).
Short but a good overview of the middleware segment. As much as it is difficult to agree on some standards, they still make life easier for developers (at least those who follow them).
Great explanation of the middleware concept that's getting more and more popular in the php community.
Nicely rounded story about middleware, from beginning to the end. Practically all the essential parts were mentioned, including upcoming PSR-15 standard.
Suggestions for improvements:
- describe middleware action handlers vs MVC controller actions
- talk in a more slower pace
Awesome talk for the first time! Keep going.
Amazing talk - very well prepared and delivered.