To improve your code base, you run an audit. Now, with so many diagnostics, the situations appears to be overwelhming. If you have a mere million lines of code, it may display thousands of errors, in various orders. And with that, the market leavs no time to reduce technical debt before the next feature : we'll do it when we have time, right? WRONG! Code quality starts with a daily code review.

Learn how to navigate in the results of code audits that actually find more issues than you want. During this workshop, we'll check PHP classic traps, architecture errors, security vulnerabilities and logical bugs. We'll see how to detect those bugs, how they happen, and how to prepare a fix (or not). By the end, you'll be able to set up your own coding reference, the one that reflect your style of coding in your projects.


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Michiel Kodde at 16:21 on 7 Jun 2018

A very nice tutorial which added a great new tool to my toolbox. Exakat for the win! Also using the output of a static analysis tool before actually reviewing any code was a refreshing perspective.

The talk was well structured. Speaker was not a native, but very capable English speaker.

Pim Elshoff at 23:26 on 8 Jun 2018

Workshop had everything I came for. Damien not only gave us the tools, but took us along in his way of thinking, thought *with* us on how to think and approach. Enthusiastic about trying it out for myself.

Rudi v. Pelt at 08:49 on 11 Jun 2018

Not what I expected at all but informative no the less.
Have a new tool I can use now, that's easy to explain to my team of developers.

Very helpfull nice tool and nicely presented.

Sander Krause at 13:51 on 12 Jun 2018

Not what I was looking for. A bit one-sided look at a code review (more like an audit -- I was expecting a review of changed code i.e. a pull request) with only two of the tools mentioned in the excerpt. The static code analyser contained some bugs, which made it slightly annoying to work with. I found reviewing solely through static code analysers to be quite limited, and discussion on what constitutes "good code" versus "bad code" limited by extension.